Stalin's Romeo Spy
The Remarkable Rise and Fall of the KGB's Most Daring Operative

©2010 by Emil Draitser
6x9, 456 pages
ISBN10: 0810126648
ISBN13: 9780810126640
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Sailor, painter, doctor, lawyer, polyglot, and writer, Dmitri Bystrolyotov (1901–75) led a life that might seem far-fetched for a spy novel, yet here the truth is stranger than fiction. The result of a thirty-five-year journey that started with a private meeting between the author and Bystrolyotov in 1973 Moscow and continued through the author's subsequent research in international archives, Stalin's Romeo Spy: The Remarkable Rise and Fall of the KGB's Most Daring Operative pieces together a life lived in the shadows of the twentieth century's biggest events. One of the "Great Illegals," a team of outstanding Soviet spies operating in Western countries between the world wars, Bystrolyotov was the response to Sidney Reilly, the British prototype for James Bond. A dashing man, his modus operandi was the seduction of women...

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